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I would just like to see this tool as part of a bundle with some Bluetooth enabled Pocket PC. If this software is available on a new generation of devices then we could see more people creating ad-hoc networks of friends, networks of clubbers, etc... What a great potential for this kind of software !
Mauricio Freitas,
I think the concept of your product is excellent, and should be included on every Bluetooth device...
Garth Gutenberg
Обсуждение BuZZone на форуме
metton, forum-admin
As a longtime software developer, I have always believed that the true benefits of a technology are never realized until developers create innovative ways of exploiting the technology. It appears as though Exion Systems have provided just such an example of this with their Bluetooth solution. Great work (and thinking)!
I think this is a great idea! i've wondered why there isn't some kind of im solution that works over bluetooth. This would be great for sitting at work or in meetings, to be used like cell phone text messaging.
Conceptually - a great idea.
Forum User
I can see it now, a conference room full of people, and no one actually speaking. Everyone furiously pecking away at their Pocket PC...
Forum User

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